Dedicated site registration

This aspect covers the simplification of registration so that users joining a site can in one step register for Wikidot, and also become a member of the site (without any password or confirmation, if the site is so configured). For pro users, the registration pages would be customizable and branded (not showing "Wikidot").

User Amount pledged
Anonymous 1000

To make a pledge for the 'Dedicated site registration' aspect, use this form and confirm your pledge by PM to pieterh. Your pledge will be checked and published within a few hours. Your pledge is a soft contract; you can cancel it at any time by using this form. When you make a pledge on an aspect, Wikidot Inc. will, after producing new functionality within that aspect, contact you and ask you to make a payment of part or all of your pledge. You may still at that stage refuse and all your pledges will be canceled.

Make a pledge towards 'Dedicated site registration'
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Your Wikidot email address
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Your organization or company
Leave blank if none
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Else, shows 'Anonymous'
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